
Survey results

If you haven't completed the survey yet please do not read this section because answers are given (survey can be found here).

The results from each question are presented below. The survey was done by people aged 18 and over with different backgrounds and education. The majority of them have not studied a science related course. Results are shown after around 50 adults aged 16+ gave their answers for the survey.
The correct answer is bacteria. This graph shows that less than half of the people questioned knew the correct answer. People seem unaware what the difference between viruses and bacteria are. A lot of them (36.4%) chose the safe answer with both options (viruses and bacteria).

Again, the majority of the people asked didn't know that a cold and sore throat is caused by a virus, so antibiotics would be useless. Only 38.6% had the correct response, which was no. It was a great response for the correct answer (70.5%): to prevent antibiotics resistance. Although some people are still unaware why they should avoid taking them.
Penicillin is mainly used for chest infections and urinary tract infections. Each person had to pick two answers and only 13.6% chose them both correctly. Worrying also that 20% said that Penicillin is used to treat sore throats. This shows how little people know about antibiotics. Only one question when almost everyone (90.9%) answered correctly that bacteria no longer responds to the treatment, but even if people know what it means do they know how serious the consequences this can have? According to my results no. 65.9% share my opinion in this question which is yes. However this is what they think, there's no wrong or right answer. Maybe some people don't think it would be a risk for humans, or perhaps some people just don't have enough information about antibiotics resistance.

  Q7. Do you know any types of antibiotics. If yes can you give an example. 

Many people left the blank space for this question. Although through the examples given I have; 5 people giving Amoxicillin, 1 Erythromycin, 1 Trimethoprim and 9 Penicillin (however Penicillin was mentioned in another question in the survey). What's worrying is that some people answered aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen. These are painkillers not antibiotics.
Over 60% gave the answer over a year ago and not sure/never had one. This shows that antibiotics are not prescribed too often by doctors and only when necessary.

68.2% knew they have to finish the whole course of prescribed antibiotics. But rest of them would lead to bacterial resistance by not taking the antibiotics in the correct way.

Yes I think people don't know a lot about how antibiotics work and what they do. Many don't know the threat of the antibiotic resistance and inappropriate usage. If people become more aware and take the problem seriously we could slow down the process of resistance.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:49 am

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